Critical Themes in Media Studies: Digital Effect

Saturday 06 April, 2013
10:30am - 8:30pm, $0

New School
66 West 12 Street, Room 510

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Critical Themes in Media Studies is an annual conference run by the graduate students of the School of Media Studies in the New School for Public Engagement.

The conference provides a distinguished forum for students from The New School, and around the world to present original scholarship on topics related to the study of media and society.

The conference this year focuses on the intersection of affect and digital communication technology and their socio-political, ontological, institutional and creative implications.

This year will be our 13th conference, and will be held April 5-6 at The New School in New York City.
Overview information and links to past years’ websites can be found here.

10:30 am-12:00 pm Decoding Identities in Flux

Faculty respondent: Amin Husain

01:00 pm-02:30 pm Framing the Virtual in Spatial Encounters

Faculty Respondent: Elizabeth Ellsworth

02:45 pm-04:15 pm Criss-Crossing Language

Faculty Respondent: Paolo Carpignano

04:30 pm-06:00 pm Transhuman Becomings

Faculty Respondent: Peter Asaro

Room 509, 66 W 12th

02:00 pm-03:30 pm Public/Private Assemblages

Faculty Respondent: Edward Byfield

03:45 pm-05:15 pm Mediascapes and Cinematic Cartography

Faculty Respondent: Brian McCormick

05:30 pm-07:00 pm Virtual Materialisms

Faculty Respondent: Eugene Thacker

 Wollman Hall, 65 W. 11th Street

07:30 pm Closing Keynote

Patricia Clough

Performance: “My Mother’s Scream”

08:30 Closing Reception

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